Reporting SSL Dual Meet Results to the League

An internet form is provided for use by SSL Team Representatives to report dual meet results.

For security purposes, the form is not accessible directly from the SSL website. You must go directly to the form by (1) typing the URL into your web browser, (2) clicking on the link that you received via email, or (3) clicking on the link in the password-protected rep area of the website. After you access the form for the first time, you may save the location to your “favorites”. The location of the results form should not be shared with others.

The Home Team representative should submit the results as quickly as possible following each home meet (preferably by 11pm following Wednesday night meets and by 3pm following Saturday morning meets). We run periodic updates of the results and standings beginning a couple of hours following each meet. Prompt results reporting will assure that your results are included in the early league updates.

If you run into a problem with the reporting of your results, please email the results to the SSL Webmaster ( along with a description of the problem.